L R AS Published on Monday 6 April 2020 - n° 316 - Categories:forecasts;

IHS Markit expects slow solar recovery after covid 19

China could install 45 GW in 2020 (against 30 GW in 2019) thanks to the support of the Chinese government, but the whole world

would reduce its solar installations by 16% to 105 GW compared to 125 GW in 2019. The world suffered a shortage of panels in the first quarter. Then, the main markets suffered from the pandemic, with the impossibility of moving, making solar construction sites difficult in all three segments (residential, commercial, large power plants).

The epidemic will have a severe effect on the planning and start-up of new photovoltaic projects in the second half of 2020, with the hardest hit regions being key growth markets such as Europe, India and the rest of Asia.

PV Tech of1 April

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