L R AS Published on Saturday 4 April 2020 - n° 316 - Categories:European countries

Incentives for storage system equipment in the Netherlands

The Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Change has presented to Parliament the evolution of the tariffs for the remuneration of residential net solar billing in the Netherlands. It will come into force in 2023,

when the current regime expires. It will remain in force until the end of 2030.

Under the new rules, the tariff for surplus electricity fed back into the grid - which is currently at the level of the wholesale price of electricity - will decrease by 9% per year, reaching 64% of the current price in 2026 and 28% in 2030. From 2031 onwards, there will be no more remuneration for excess power fed into the grid by residential facilities.

The prospect of reduced net billing should encourage Dutch homeowners to increase their self-consumption rate by adding battery storage at home (behind the meter).

Since 2013, the residential solar sector in the Netherlands has experienced double-digit annual growth and accounted for around 80% of installed capacity until 2016.

PV Magazine of1 April

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