L R AS Published on Monday 30 March 2020 - n° 315 - Categories:minister-regulation

Obligation to install solar energy on roofs larger than 1,000 m².

The decree of 5 February 2020 (published in the OJ on 29 February) issued pursuant to Article L. 111-18-1 of the urban planning code, itself created by article 47 of the law relating to energy and climate of 8 November 2019, has taken over an obligation of the urban planning code encouraging the development of renewable energy for large surface area constructions.

Constructions and installations with a surface area of more than 1,000 m² are subject to the following conditions

must thus integrate, as desired, vegetalisation or renewable energy production systems. A list specifies the constructions and installations concerned (creation or extension of commercial complexes, retail shops, drives, new warehouses not open to the public, new covered car parks). The decree specifies that the installation obligations are to be carried out on the roof of the building or on the shades overlooking the parking areas over an area at least equal to 30% of the roof of the building and the shades created. Exceptions are provided for if these constructions would aggravate a risk or in the event of insurmountable technical difficulties at a reasonable price or in the case of classified installations.

Tecsol of March 24

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