L R AS Published on Monday 30 March 2020 - n° 315 - Categories:various USA, storage area

In the United States, the prospects for distributed storage facilities in 2020 are less good since the pandemic.

In the United States, the prospects for distributed storage facilities in 2020 are less good since the pandemic. Difficulties no longer stem from supply, but from project execution, especially commercial storage.

States are exempting essential jobs, including those related to power generation and housing construction.

Some work is done outdoors, others must be done indoors, such as electrical panels.

Residential and commercial installations are still expected to grow this year in absolute terms, but not as quickly as expected. Before the crisis, the US was heading for another record year, with a tripling of residential installations and a halving of commercial installations. Now the epidemic is dominating household concerns at the expense of forest fire-related disturbances. Storage facilities at the user's home (residential or commercial) could even be reduced, according to a preliminary estimate by Wood Mackenzie.

Residential storage is dependent on rooftop solar installation and especially on closing sales in front of buyers. However, this contact has disappeared in recent weeks.

For large non-residential projects, the difficulty lies in closing permits, commissioning and interconnection amid travel bans and on-site shelter orders.

GreenTech Media of March 27

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