L R AS Published on Monday 30 March 2020 - n° 315 - Categories:the American PV

Panel production continues at most U.S. plants

Panel production continues in most US factories, despite restrictions on coronavirus. The solar industry has described its workers as "essential".

in the face of closure orders issued by the state, city or county. These orders allow only essential labour to continue outside the home. All areas of the United States where solar power plants are located report cases of coronavirus. Yet factory managers have made a variety of decisions about whether to continue production: employees at the factories operated by JinkoSolar, Heliene, Hanwha Q Cells, SunPower and Silfab continue to report for work. Only Tesla and Solaria have closed down.

The United States now has more reported cases of coronavirus than any other country in the world, with around 86,000 cases on Friday afternoon 27th and nearly 1,300 deaths.

GreenTech Media of March 27

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