L R AS Published on Monday 23 March 2020 - n° 314 - Categories:the American PV

Coronavirus threatens US solar industry

In turn, the spread of the coronavirus threatens the realisation of the projects of the booming American solar industry. Solar energy accounted for 40% of

of new electricity production capacity in the United States in 2019, compared with 32% for natural gas and 27% for wind power.

The SEIA, the main solar union, already estimates that growth forecasts of 47% in 2020 will have to be revised downwards in the coming months.

Not only are solar companies facing delays in the supply of components, such as photovoltaic panels and inverters, but the sector is also facing labour shortages as Americans are being asked to limit social contacts to reduce the spread of coronavirus. They are forced to stay at home due to school closures.

In the market segment of solar energy on buildings, building owners are suspending their investments for the time being.

Tecsol of 19 March

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