L R AS Published on Sunday 22 March 2020 - n° 314 - Categories:silicon mono/multi, company results

Further losses in 2020 in Wacker's silicon division

The German Wacker Chemie envisages further losses in its silicon division in 2020. They would be

comparable to those of 2019, due to continued pressure on prices, and despite its efforts to reduce costs.

The company achieved silicon sales of €780m in 2019 and negative EBITDA of €55m.

PV Tech of 17 March

Editor's note The scale of the production facilities being built in China, and without any profound change in German costs, will sooner or later lead him to shut down. The objective of the Chinese government is to make a clear place for itself among foreign competitors. The only solution would be to build a competing photovoltaic industry, but no industrialist will want to rebuild a productive unit if there is no protection against uncontrolled imports.and if there is not a coordinated will because it is necessary to bring together different specialities to create a complete sector. So European recovery or acceptance of Chinese domination? The choice must be made quickly

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