L R AS Published on Saturday 21 March 2020 - n° 314 - Categories:R&D

How about a rechargeable, flexible and foldable battery?

Taiwanese NCKU researchers have developed a rechargeable, flexible and collapsible battery made of a magnesium alloy and ceramic powder placed inside.

of a non-woven textile. A small patch (1.5 cm in diameter) of such a fully charged battery can support more than 36 hours of continuous lighting from an LED bulb.

Such a battery using no electrolyte solution is safe and environmentally friendly. These batteries can be stacked to increase storage capacity and packaged in electric vehicle battery packs.

March 18 Digitimes

Editor's note The idea is original and interesting. We don't know whether it's easy or complicated to produce such batteries, and whether the cost price is affordable.

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