L R AS Published on Friday 21 February 2020 - n° 310 - Categories:India, China

The effect of blocking exports

Because of the foreseeable delay in importing Chinese panels (they account for 80 per cent of demand in India), India is considering extending the time frame for commissioning solar power plants. This is because 3 GW under construction (corresponding to $2.2 billion) is likely to be delayed and thus exceed the commercial commissioning date imposed on them. This will be a serious shortfall, compounded by the delay in commissioning the sites.

The effects of the epidemic will not be huge if it is contained in the second quarter, says Bloomberg NEF. It will catch up later.

PV Tech of 19 January

Editor's note The delay in the receipt of signs may occur in the various user countries. In some cases, the administrative deadlines will be exceeded. In others, there will be a delay in the commissioning of the installations. This means costs for the builder since he will have to pay for workers and equipment, without being able to start selling energy. This gap will put a strain on developers' finances. For the time being, the delays that are envisaged do not jeopardise their existence, but the blockage of manufacturing and shipments should not last long.

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