L R AS Published on Monday 10 February 2020 - n° 308 - Categories:funding

Enerfip doubles its sales in 2019 over 2018

Four years after its launch, Enerfip, the participative financing platform for renewable energies, says it has raised €37m since its inception. In 2019, the platform has collected €20.5M.

and contributed to the financing of 112 projects, representing an installed capacity of 1 GW. 8,000 new participants joined the community last year, bringing to 20,000 the number of members registered on the platform.

The regulatory collection ceiling has been raised from €2.5 million to €8 million in 2019, increasing the amount of funding that can be raised. Last year, CRE's call for tenders 4.4 required participants to become shareholders in the company that is the project's sponsor.

In 2019, Enerfip raised €3 million for the three floating wind turbine projects planned by Engie.

The company has doubled its 2019 turnover over that of 2018 and has a backlog of orders already signed of more than €30 million for 2020.

Enerfip wants to expand its activity beyond solar, wind, biogas, hydraulic and industrial energy efficiency projects. It wants to extend its offer into the sustainable real estate sector (energy renovation and sustainable development), and expand its offer to other European countries.

Plein Soleil on 7 February

Editor's note It would be interesting to have the net margin, which must be considerable because the company's "work" consists of convincing a client, describing a project on a web page, recovering the capital and passing it on to the project developer.

Moreover, it is not the amount of capital collected (20.7 M€) that is interesting but the gross margin, i.e. the amount that remunerates the platform and constitutes its turnover. Here again, nothing is published.

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