L R AS Published on Sunday 15 December 2019 - n° 302 - Categories:R&D

A solar kesterite cell with an efficiency of 8.7%.

Estonian researchers have developed a new technology for transforming monocrystalline powder into microcrystals. It forms miniature solar cells

connected in parallel in a large panel. By replacing copper with silver in the absorbent material, the researchers were able to increase the efficiency of the cells by more than 2%.

They heated powders for four days at 750°. They obtained microcrystals that form miniature solar cells connected in parallel in a large panel, which is then covered with an ultra-thin buffer layer. The solar cells obtained are light, flexible, cheaper to produce and environmentally friendly.

Kesterite is one of the most promising materials for absorbing light and forming the next generation of thin-film solar cells.

PV Magazine of 12 December

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