L R AS Published on Sunday 1 December 2019 - n° 300 - Categories:French companies

The different distributors of green electricity in France

Greenpeace has ranked the various distributors of green electricity in France. It singled out Enercoop and Planète Oui as the best suppliers of renewable electricity.

Enercoop is in the lead for the second consecutive year. He was also distinguished by the Ademe. This company buys all its electricity from 260 renewable energy producers (hydraulic, photovoltaic, wind, biomass). It also buys the associated guarantees of origin that attest to the green origin of the electricity. The 85.000 Enercoop customers can be sure that behind their electricity bills there are men and women who are working concretely to the energy transition and that the electricity they need will be produced in France by one of the 260 producers who are members of the cooperative.

Enercoop has set up a network of ten local cooperatives that support the development of new renewable installations. Today, half of the producers who supply Enercoop are citizen and/or local authority projects. As part of a fair approach, Enercoop supports these producers through subsidised tariffs.

Another source of supply is direct renewable energy production. 45,000 members (customers, employees, partners, etc.) invest and become democratically involved in the project. Enercoop aims to produce half of its supply itself. The other half will come from citizen collectives and committed producers throughout the territory.

Planet Yes recorded strong growth in its customer base, which now exceeds 50,000. The company has entered into partnerships with French producers, guaranteeing them a fair purchase price to ensure the development of renewable energies (hydraulic, wind and solar). It has various offers, including one "in real time" that guarantees the balance between consumption and production of green electricity for every half hour. Planète Oui supports consumers who want to produce their own green electricity with PV panels. The excess production not consumed by the producer is bought by Planète Oui, which begins to invest in production, encouraging the development of small installations close to the territories.

Tecsol of1 December

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