L R AS Published on Sunday 13 October 2019 - n° 293 - Categories:purchase and sale of assets

Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR) acquires the PV and wind assets of Vol-V

Compagnie Nationale du Rhône (CNR) acquired the wind and photovoltaic projects and production assets of VOL-V Electricité Renouvelable (VOL-V ER), sold by VOL-V, an independent producer of renewable energy.

VOL-V ER brings to CNR a portfolio of around

1,700 MW of projects, of which approximately 50 MW built and 130 MW authorised.

CNR has 3,811 MW installed, mainly in hydropower (with 47 plants), 600 MW of wind power spread over 49 parks, and 100 MW in 27 PV plants. CNR is thus strengthened in its position as France's leading producer of 100% renewable electricity.

Thanks to these disposals, VOL-V will redeploy to new activities, still focused on energy transition and sustainable development.

PV Magazine of 8 October

Editor's note The nerve of the war prevents VOL-V from continuing. The disposal of assets or companies has accelerated this year. This should continue in 2020. The concentration of renewable energy plants among powerful players continues. They have the means to invest, have the capacity to make use of economies of scale, and have the power to put pressure on energy buyers (aggregators or distributors). This development should not come as a surprise. It is not only a question of producing energy, it is also necessary to go downstream by having access to the final consumer, otherwise the producers are subject to the intermediaries in the chain, who are aware of the fragility of the position of the producers. Energy is a sector where only those who master the entire chain can survive. This explains why energy is a world of big players.

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