L R AS Published on Sunday 22 September 2019 - n° 290 - Categories:the American PV

Commissioning of the Hanwha factory in the USA

The official opening of the largest panel production plant in the USA is a personal success for D. Trump: Hanwha Q Cells inaugurates its 1.7 GW facility in Georgia.

The United States is Hanwha's largest market. The Georgian plant will handle the majority of Hanwha's solar shipments to the United States.

GreenTech Media of September 19

Editor's note This beginning of American reindustrialisation will be scrutinised by our colleagues in thewho had not dared to invest in the United States at the time and who wereask if they have missed an opportunity. Indeed, the trade war has begun and it is far from being stopped. There is a premium for those who produce in the United States.

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