L R AS Published on Monday 9 September 2019 - n° 288 - Categories:French companies

Fonroche Eclairage acquires SolarOne, the leading American solar lighting company

Fonroche Eclairage, which already represents 50% of the French solar lighting market and has successfully installed its solar lighting systems in some forty countries, has strengthened its presence in the United States to deploy its autonomous solar lighting technology: Fonroche is the only one to guarantee lighting for all nights, whatever the country. The solar lighting market is booming and becoming accessible to the greatest number of people. This is because the installation and use of solar-powered streetlights are cheaper than grid-connected lighting. They have economic and environmental advantages.

Fonroche Éclairage is a subsidiary of the Fonroche Group, created in 2008 by Yann Maus in Roquefort, Lot-et-Garonne. It specialises in renewable energies (biogas, deep geothermal energy and solar lighting).

Tecsol of 5 September

Editor's note A few years ago, Fonroche had a panel installation business. Increased competition and the need for financing prompted management to sell this business, which became Reden Solar. Having recouped capital, the company redirected itself to the group's other activities. The success of the company's solar street lamps crowned a successful reorientation.

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