L R AS Published on Sunday 8 September 2019 - n° 288 - Categories:Europe, lithium batteries

A European battery manufacturing group would have been set up.

A new European network for the industrial production of batteries was established this week in Berlin. Representatives of nine EU governments and around 30 companies met at the Federal Ministry of Economics in Berlin.

for a workshop on the production of batteries for energy storage. The companies participating in this network have divided up the activities they will have to carry out. The EU intends to develop and manufacture locally "competitive, innovative and environmentally friendly battery cells".

This is the second major battery production project established with the European Commission and other EU countries: it covers the processing of raw materials, the production of new batteries and the recycling of used batteries.

PV Magazine of 7 September

NDLR A relative silence surrounds this project. Is it because it was an exploratory meeting? Is it because the project still needs to be refined? The absence of indications on the location, on the foreseeable capacity, on the commissioning of the plant intrigues.

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