L R AS Published on Thursday 5 September 2019 - n° 288 - Categories:power plant storage

Lithium-ion batteries over 100 MW

Batteries are becoming more and more numerous and powerful because they no longer only regulate the network but also store energy. The most important ones have now exceeded 100 MW and are approaching 500 MW. For this reason,

They are packaged in temperature-controlled boxes and react much faster than a coal-fired or even a gas-fired power station.

Elon Musk supplied the largest lithium-ion battery to a wind farm in South Australia in 2017. This project retains the title of largest battery two years later in operation. But this record will soon be surpassed. Below, the eight projects of more than 100 MW ranked in ascending order

The 8th most powerful : Neoen Hornsdale: 100 MW / 129 MWh will go online in November 2017.

The 7th is Strata Oxnard: 100 MW / 400 MWh will come on line in December 2020; it is located on the Californian coast and replaces a gas-fired plant.

The 6th is AES A lamitos: 100 MW / 400 MWh will be online in 2021. AES understood how to produce large batteries as early as 2014 when it signed this contract with Southern California Edison to replace several gas-fired plants in California.

The fifth is A ES Arizona: 100 MW / 400 MWh will be online in 2021. It is intended for the Arizona Public Service (APS) utility company, which has solar power in the middle of the day and needs it in the evening. An explosion shook one of its batteries.

The 4th is the Tesla Moss power plant: 182.5 MW / 730 MWh will go online in December 2020. It will be installed on PG & E's land in the Moss Landing substation, along the coast in central California. Tesla intends to supply electricity to the grid operator CAISO.

The third is the 200 MW / 800 MWh NextEra Skeleton Creek facility which will be online in 2023. It will be connected to a solar power plant and a wind farm, making it the largest triple-hybrid plant in the country. NextEra signed this agreement for the Western Farmers Electric Cooperative, which was to create new energy capacity. The production of solar and wind energy is favourable. The battery responds faster than gas to a demand for energy.

The second is the 300 MW / 1,200 MWh Vistra Moss Landing power station; it will go online in December 2020. It was intended for PG & E before its bankruptcy, in order to reduce its dependence on gas-fired power plants.

No. 1 is the 409 MW / 900 MWh FPL Manatee energy storage centre, which will come on line at the end of 2021. It is intended for the Florida Power & Light electricity company, which has also started building solar power plants. This battery will be installed in Florida

GreenTech Media of 3 September

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