L R AS Published on Monday 2 September 2019 - n° 287 - Categories:cells, the manufacturers

Top three solar cell shippers in the first half of the year

The top three in this ranking are Tongwei with 6 GW shipped, then Aiko Solar, and finally Uniex. Tongwei continues to increase its market share in the second half of the year and will increase its production in 2020. Aiko Solar can produce 10 GW per year.

Other producers have emerged:

Runergy, Lu'an Solar, Sumin Energy and Solar Space. They have a production capacity of at least one gigawatt. This will result in strong price competition that will continue into 2020. It will be difficult to obtain orders and to withstand lower prices. Second-tier manufacturers may not follow and disappear, says the PV InfoLink study.

PERC cells have maintained their popularity and have delivered substantial profits.

Changing cell formats is the topic that occupies all executives: In addition to the standard 156.75mm cell size, manufacturers need to produce mono and multi-Si cells from 158.75mm, 161.7mm and 166mm wafers to meet the demands of panel producers. (Editor's note: in addition to the 12-inch format, Zhonghuan Semiconductor's 210mm).. Larger cells will continue to gain market share.

The bifacial cells will find a new outlet in the United States since their exit from section 201. Manufacturers in Southeast Asia will modify their production line to make bifacial cells and panels.

PV InfoLink of 14 August

Editor's note The photovoltaic industry is constantly being shaken by increases in production capacity and product innovations or adaptations leading to price reductions. All this contributes to a change in the face of the industry. Not surprisingly, the ranking of the most important producers is constantly being changed in favour of manufacturers who have chosen the right technology, or who have managed their business better to free up resources for capacity investments or research and development.

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