L R AS Published on Saturday 31 August 2019 - n° 287 - Categories:other France

Next new attempt at a solar route in France

France experimented with a kilometre of photovoltaic road in 2016. This operation had cost 5 million euros because of the reinforced panels to support the weight of the trucks. It had cost €17 per kWh,

i.e. 13 times that of standard panels. This road generated 229 MWh of energy when it was expected to generate 642 MWh. Currently, the road generates an income of €8,000, a third of the €22,000 initially planned.

The poor performance of this experiment is attributed to the effects of accumulated dust, damage to the solar panels caused by passing vehicles, and the weather conditions in the country. Added to this is the enormous noise caused by vehicles on this stretch of road.

The French government is going to launch a new experiment by installing a new solar panel with a higher conversion rate and lower cost on a 400-metre stretch of road.


EnergyTrend of 2 August

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